Extensive Research and Evaluation Experience
From developing evaluation metrics for national programs to building local quality improvement projects, Strive Health has the expertise and problem-solving knowledge to meet your needs. With more than 75 years of combined research and evaluation experience, the Strive Health team has the knowledge and expertise to help address your research goals. We can support small or large scale initiatives, applying qualitative and quantitative research methods designed to optimize your desired outcomes.
Features Include:
- Strategic Stakeholder Partnerships
- Identification of Common Needs & Care Gaps
- Targeted Root-cause Analysis
- Development & Application of Data-driven Interventions
- Impact Assessment
- Benefits Evaluation
- Knowledge Translation
- Health Impact Assessment

Example Projects:
Off-Highway Vehicle Injury Prevention, Injury Free Nova Scotia, 2022.
Led research to understand the topic of off-highway vehicle (OHV) use, challenges and opportunities regarding rider safety and injury prevention.
- Collaborated with the project team and engaged external partners.
- Drafted key informant guides, as well as a comprehensive OHV rider survey.
- Conducted nine key informant interviews with 12 individuals; gathered feedback from 730 OHV riders via the online survey.
- Completed data requests/retrieved data from the Nova Scotia Trauma Registry and Department of Motor Vehicles.
- Assimilated all findings into a reader-friendly report with PowerPoint Summary presentation and Infographics.
Mount 101 Program Evaluation: Strive Health competed an evaluation of Mount 101, a program targeted towards new Mount St. Vincent University students, following its first year of implementation. The Strive team developed an evaluation plan, created and implemented data collection tools/activities, including focus groups and surveys with students and mentors, andĀ completed a secondary analysis of extensive student data. Findings were assimilated into a thorough report for the Mount 101 Committee.
Health Impact Assessments: The Strive Health team is experienced in completing Health Impact Assessments (HIAs). HIAs use a combination of quantitative, qualitative and participatory techniques to strategically evaluate and assess the potential effects of a policy, plan, or project on the health of a population. HIAs provide decision-makers and stakeholders with information about the potential intended and unintended outcomes resulting from an activity, and make recommendations to maximize positive and mitigate negative health impacts for those affected (National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health, 2019).
Together We Can Strategy Evaluation: A multi-pronged evaluation of a provincial mental health and addictions strategy, using a collective impact approach to understand the impact of the five-year strategy within Nova Scotia. The Strive Health team completed 46 key informant interviews, 4 first voice focus groups, 3 online surveys, reviewed over 150 related documents and analyzed secondary data sets. Interviews and focus groups were recorded (with permission), transcribed and analyzed using NVivo. All data were synthesized into an executive summary, comprehensive results report, methods document and companion presentation. The project was completed on-time and within budget.
Benefits Evaluation: The Strive Health team supported a benefits evaluation of the Nova Scotia EMR Peer Network, leading the development and implementation of evaluation strategies (focus group discussions, follow-up survey, key informant interviews). Strive synthesized existing and new evaluation data, collating all information into a formal report submitted to the Primary Health Information Management (PHIM) Program and Canada Health Infoway.
ProsciĀ® Change Management
Change is constant within most organizations. The frequency, speed and enormity of adapting to today's changes, while realizing the intended benefits of such change, can be challenging. Strive Health provides Change Management solutions, to help your organization through the change management process.
Features Include:
- Global & national change management certifications
- Assessment of Change, Organizational Readiness, Sponsor Model
- Development of change management plans & targeted activities
- Implementation & Evaluation of the developed plans

Example Projects:
Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) Deployment Strategy, Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness: Developed a change management plan as part of the overall approach to support CPG guideline implementation and evaluation.
Enhancing Practice to Improve Care (EPIC): Supported primary care providers in British Columbia as they changed their practice management strategies to better manage patients with chronic kidney disease.