Knowledge creation and dissemination are important to the Strive Health team. Below are examples of peer reviewed and grey literature. Project reports are primarily excluded from this list to maintain client privacy. One example can be found here: A Path Towards Improved Off-Highway Vehicle Rider Safety: Findings from Injury Prevention Research in Nova Scotia


Community Advised Smoking Cessation Project Publications
  • Davidson, M., Nemis-White, J., McKay, A., Merryfield, V., Pham, T., Murnaghan, T., Hartley, J. (2024). Needs for Smoking Cessation among members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island:Findings from the Community Advised Smoking Cessation Project. Published online at LungNSPEI
The IMPACT-AF Study Publications
  • Hamlin, J., Cox, J., Hamilton, L., Nemis-White, J., MacKillop, J., Sandila, N.,  Parkash, R., & IMPACT-AF Investigators (2024). Regional Disparities in Atrial Fibrillation: An IMPACT-AF Substudy. CJC Open,
  • Cox, J., Hamilton, L., Thabane, L., Foster, G., MacKillop, J., Xie, F., Ciaccia, A., Choudhri, S., Nemis-White, J., Parkash, R., & IMPACT-AF Investigators (2024). Computerized Clinical Decision Support to Improve Stroke Prevention Therapy in Primary Care Management of Atrial Fibrillation: A Cluster Randomized Trial. American heart journal, S0002-8703(24)00103-0. Advance online publication.
  • Humphries, B., Cox, J.L., Parkash, R. Thabane, L., Foster, G.A., MacKillop, J., Nemis-White, J., Hamilton, L., Ciaccia, A., Choudhri, S.H., Kovic, B., Xie, F.  Resource use and cost associated with computerized decision support system and usual care in managing patients with atrial fibrillation: analysis of IMPACT-AF randomized trial data. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 23, 228 (2023).
  • Govindapillai A, Cox JL, Thabane L, Doucette S, Xie F, MacKillop JH, Ciaccia A, Choudhri SH, Nemis-White JM, Hamilton LM, Parkash R. Rhythm Control Vs Rate Control in a Contemporary Ambulatory Atrial Fibrillation Cohort: Post Hoc Analysis of the IMPACT-AF Trial. CJC Open. 2022 Mar 8;4(6):551-557.
  • Humphries B, Cox JL, Parkash R, Thabane L, Foster G, MacKillop J, Nemis‐White J, Hamilton L, Ciaccia A, Choudhri S, Xie F for the IMPACT-AF Investigators.Patient‐Reported Outcomes and Patient‐Reported Experience of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation in the IMPACT‐AF Clinical Trial Journal of the American Heart Association. 2021;10:e019783
  • Nemis-White, J.M., Hamilton, L.M., Shaw, S. MacKillop, J.H., Parkash, R., Choudhri, S.H., Ciaccia, A., Xie, F., Thabane, L., Cox, J.L. for the IMPACT-AF Investigators. Lessons learned from Integrated Management Program Advancing Community Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (IMPACT-AF): a pragmatic clinical trial of computerized decision support in primary care. Trials 22, 531 (2021).
  • Cox JL, Parkash R, Foster GA, Xie F, MacKillop JH, Ciaccia A, Choudhri SH, Hamilton LM, Nemis-White JM, Thabane L. Integrated management program advancing community treatment of atrial fibrillation (IMPACT-AF): A cluster randomized trial of a computerized clinical decision support tool. American Heart Journal. 2020; Vol 224: 35-46.


The Health Care in Canada Survey Initiative Publications

  • MacPherson N, Montague T, Aylen J, Martin L, Gogovor A, Baxter S, Nemis-White J. Canada's Evolving Medicare: End-of-Life Care. Journal of Palliative Care. 2020;
  • Nemis-White J, Torr E, Aylen J, Gogovor A, Martin L, Mitchell J, MacPherson N, Montague T. Medicare’s Evolution: National Pharmacare and Shared Leadership. Healthcare Quarterly. 2019; 22(2); 15-19.
  • Gogovor A, Nemis-White J, Torr E, MacPherson N, Martin L, Aylen J, Manness, LJ, Montague T. Non-Adherence to Prescribed Therapies: Pharmacare’s Existential Challenge. Healthcare Quarterly. 2019; 22(2); 21-26.
  • Montague T, Nemis-White J, Aylen J, Torr E, Martin L, Gogovor A. Canada’s Evolving Medicare: Patient-Centred Care. Healthcare Quarterly. 2019; 22(2); 27-31.
  • Montague T, Cochrane B, Gogovor A, Aylen J, Martin L, Nemis-White J. Healthcare in Canada: Choices Going Forward. Healthcare Quarterly. 2018; 21(1):13-8.
  • Montague T, Nemis-White J, Aylen J, Ahmed S, Baxter S, Martin L, Adams O, Gogovor A. Public and Professional Insights on End-of-Life Care: Results of the 2016 Health Care in Canada Survey. Healthcare Quarterly. 2017; 20(2): 18-22.
  • Montague T, Gogovor A, Aylen J, Ashley L, Ahmed S, Martin L, Cochrane C, Adams O, Nemis-White JPatient-Centred Care in Canada: Key Components and the Path Forward. Healthcare Quarterly. 2017; 20(1): 50-56.
  • Montague T, Mannes L.J, Cochrane B, Gogovor A, Aylen J, Martin L, Nemis-White J. Non-adherence to Prescribed Therapy: A Persistent Contributor to the Care Gap. 2017.
  • Montague T, Nemis-White J, Aylen J, Martin L, Adams O, Gogovor A. Access to Health Care in Canada: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. 2017.
  • ​Montague T, Gogovor A, Marshall L, Cochrane B, Ahmed S, Torr E, Aylen J, Nemis-White J; for the 2013-2014 Health Care in Canada Survey Members. Searching for Best Direction in Healthcare: Distilling Opportunities, Priorities and Responsibilities. Healthcare Quarterly. 2016; 19(3): 44-49.
  • Montague T, Gogovor A, Ahmed S, Torr E, Aylen J, Marshall L, Henningsen N, Nemis-White J; for the 2013-2014 Health Care in Canada Survey Members. Contributions and Challenges of Non-Professional Patient Care: A Key Component of Contemporary Canadian Healthcare. Healthcare Quarterly. 2015; 18(3): 18-22.
  • Nemis-White J, Torr E, Gogovor A, Marshall L, Ahmed S, Aylen J, Montague T for the Health Care in Canada Survey Members. Stakeholder Surveys of Canadian Healthcare Performance: What Are They Telling Us? Who Should Be Listening? Who Should Be Acting, and How? Healthcare Quarterly. 2014; 17(4): 22-27.


Patient Health Management Publications

  • Montague T, Nemis-White J, Cochrane B, Meisner J, Trasler T. Partnership and Measurement: The Promise, Practice and Theory of a Successful Health Social Networking Strategy. Healthcare Quarterly. 2013; 16(1): 31-37.
  • Nemis-White J, MacKillop J, Montague T. Canada’s Future Healthcare: Can It Be Better? Will It Be Better? HealthcarePapers. 2012; 12(2): 51-59.
  • Attwell AD, Rogers-Warnock L, Nemis-White J. Implementing Practice Management Strategies to Improve Patient Care: The Enhancing Practice to Improve Care (EPIC) Project. Healthcare Quarterly. 2012; 15(2): 46-51.
  • Nemis-White J, MacKillop J, Bennett M, Rankin E, MacLean L, Meisner J, Trasler T, Montague T. Addressing Primary Care Needs: A Participatory Approach to Collaborative Policy Development. Healthcare Papers. 2011; 11(2): e69–78.
  • Montague T, Meisner J, Trasler T, Nemis-White J. Disease Management and e-Health: Can a Synergistic Partnership–Measurement Strategy Magnify the Health and Economic Benefits of Each Care Model? Electronic Healthcare. 2010; 9(3): e26-32.
  • Paradis PE, Nemis-White J, Meilleur MC, Ginn M, Cox J and Montague T for the ICONS investigators. Managing Care and Costs: The Sustained Cost Impact of Reduced Hospitalizations in a Partnership-Measurement Model of Disease Management. Healthcare Quarterly. 2010; 13(4): 30-39.
  • Cox J, Johnstone D, Nemis-White J, Montague T for the ICONS Investigators. Optimizing health care at the population level: Results of the Improving Cardiovascular Outcomes in Nova Scotia (ICONS) partnership. Healthcare Quarterly. 2008; 11(2): 28-41.
  • Montague T, Cox J, Kramer S, Nemis-White J, Cochrane B, Wheatley M, Joshi Y, Carrier R, Gregoire J-P, Johnstone D, for the ICONS investigators. Improving cardiovascular outcomes in Nova Scotia : ICONS, a successful public / private partnership in primary health care. Hospital Quarterly. 2003; 6(3): 32-8.
  • Wheatley M, Nemis-White J, Cox J. Optimizing Anticoagulant Therapy. Canadian Nurse. 2003; 99(6): 17-19.
  • Sidel J, Ryan K, Nemis-White J. Shaping the healthcare environment through evidence-based medicine: A case study of the ICONS project. Hospital Quarterly. 1998; 2(1): 29-33.

Posters / Presentations

Community Advised Smoking Cessation Webinar, Summary Results Presentation. Harley J, Davidson M, Nemis-White J. December 7, 2023.

Cox J, Hamilton L, Nemis-White J, Thabane L, MacKillop J, Choudhri S, Ciaccia A, Xie F, Parkash R, Shaw S. Lessons Learned From Integrated Management Program Advancing Community Treatment Of Atrial Fibrillation (IMPACT-AF): A Pragmatic Clinical Trial Of Computerized Decision Support In Primary Healthcare. Virtual Poster, AHA Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Conference, May 2020 13(Suppl 1). Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes

Cox J, Parkash R, Hamilton L, Thabane L, Foster G, MacKillop J, Xie F, Ciaccia A, Choudhri S, Nemis-White J. Are Primary Care Providers Meeting Guidelines for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation? Poster Presentation, American Heart Association 2019. Circulation. 2019;140:A14408

Nemis-White J, MacPherson N, Montague T, Aylen J, Gogovor A, for the HCIC Members. Canadian Perceptions Regarding End-of-Life Care: Results of the Health Care in Canada (HCIC) Surveys. Oral Presentation, Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, September 2019.

Nemis-White J, MacKillop J, Hamilton L, Parkash R, Thabane L, Foster G, Xie F, Humprries B, Cox J. Can a Web Tool Help Primary Care Providers Meet Canadian Guidelines for Atrial Fibrillation Management? Oral Presentation, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Scientific Conference, May 30, 2019, Abstract ID 448 (Session F, Primary Care).

MacPherson N, Nemis-White J, Gogovor A, Aylen J, Montague T, for the 2018 HCIC Members. Healthcare Professional Workplace Engagement: Trends from the Health Care in Canada Survey 2013-2018. Poster Presentation, Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Scientific Conference, May 2019.

Nemis-White J, Dixon J. Evaluation of a provincial mental health and addictions strategy. Oral Presentation, Schizophrenia Society of Canada National Conference, October 2016.

Kumar D, Nemis-White J, Meilleur MC, Michel V, Laverdiere M. Febrile Neutropenia in patients with hematologic malignancy: A Canadian multi-centre observational study. Poster Presentation, 26th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection, June 2009.

Nemis-White J, Beauchamp P, Trasler T, Lewanczuk R. Measuring the impact of an educational program on physician practice patterns: ExpertMD™ CV Diabetes. Poster Presentation, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Conference. May 2008. Value in Health 2008; 11(3):A240

Attwell AD, Nemis-White J, Blackwell T, Rogers-Warnock L. The use of practice management strategies to optimize patient care: The EPIC Initiative. Poster Presentation, The Institute of Healthcare Improvement 8th Annual International Summit on Redesigning the Clinical Office Practice, Nashville, TN, USA, March 2007.

Attwell AD, Nemis-White J, Blackwell T, Khodari M, Rogers-Warnock L. Can the Use of Practice Management Strategies Optimize Patient Care? The Enhancing Practice to Improve Care (EPIC) Initiative. Oral Presentation, Canadian Association for Continuing Health Education Conference, September 2006. Tied 1st place: Best Research Paper Presented.

Trasler T, Hanlis E, Nemis-White J, Choquette D. Expert MD™ Osteoporosis: Survey evaluation from participants of a blended learning program for family physicians. Oral Presentation, Canadian Association for Continuing Health Education Conference, September 2006.

Nemis-White J, Trasler T, Meilleur MC, Choquette D. Measuring the impact of an educational program on practice patterns: Expert MD™ Osteoporosis. Oral Presentation, Canadian Association for Continuing Health Education Conference, September 2006.

Adachi, JD Meilleur MC, Senecal M, Nemis-White J, Trasler T, Choquette D. Appropriateness of care in osteoporotic and elevated risk patients in Canada: The ExpertMD™ in Osteoporosis Project. Poster Presentation, International Osteoporosis Foundation World Congress on Osteoporosis, June 2006. Osteoporosis Int 2006; 17(2):S190-191.

Attwell AD, Nemis-White J, Blackwell T, Bourgault C, Khodari M. The Use of Practice Management Strategies to Optimize Patient Care: The EPIC Initiative. Poster Presentation, Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics Conference, May 2006. Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 13(1) Winter 2006:e183.

Adachi JD, Nemis-White J, Meilleur MC, Senecal M, Trasler T, Choquette D. ExpertMD™ OSTEOPOROSIS: Baseline Patterns of Practice. Poster Presentation, Canadian Association for Population Therapeutics Conference, May 2006. 2006 Can J Clin Pharmacol Vol 13(1) Winter 2006: e158.

Nemis-White J, Smith C. Patient Health Management at Merck Frosst Canada Ltd.; The Improving Cardiovascular Outcomes in Nova Scotia (ICONS) Example. Poster Presentation, New Brunswick Symposium on Chronic Disease Management, November 2006.

Wheatley M, Cox J, Nemis-White J. Optimizing anticoagulant therapy in atrial fibrillation patients. Poster Presentation, The Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses Conference, October 2001.

Nemis-White J, Cox J. Optimizing patterns of practice in the management of cardiovascular disease. Poster Presentation, Canadian Association for Continuing Health Education Conference, 2001.

Smith C, Nemis-White J. Are our cardiac inpatients receiving education? Poster Presentation, Canadian Association for Continuing Health Education Conference, September 2001. Awarded Best Poster, Measurement Category.