Healthcare Industry Specialization
Strive Health offers a comprehensive range of consulting services designed to support the realization of your organization's goals. From meeting facilitation to report writing, we have the expertise to deliver customized solutions that meet you needs.
Features Include:
- Literature Reviews/Environmental Scans
- Meeting Facilitation, Planning & Coordination
- Strategic Planning
- Program Evaluation
- Report Writing
- Partnership/Protocol Development
- Needs Assessment (Qualitative & Quantitative Techniques)
- Public Health Research
- Policy Decision Support

Example Projects:
Mental Health and Addictions, Environmental and Jurisdictional Scans with Literature Reviews: As part of a literature review of evidence-informed practices in mental health and addictions, Strive Health identified, retrieved and reviewed over 300 articles/ resources. Conducted dozens of virtual focus group discussions/key informant interviews with clinicians, First Voice participants and or stakeholders nationally/internationally. Summated all findings into succinct yet comprehensive reader-friendly reports.
Mental Health and Addictions, Healthcare Provider Engagement Sessions: Facilitator services: Co-developed a workshop overviewing a new service delivery model for key stakeholders; delivered four education sessions, keeping them on time and topic; designed, distributed and analyzed an evaluation of the sessions; completed a comprehensive summary report capturing feedback and themes that emerged, including matters unique to each region.
School Mental Health Clinician Evaluation: Strive Health facilitated a focus group discussion with School Board Mangers and SchoolsPlus Facilitators, preparing a companion project report for the client.
Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care Forum: key stakeholders with an interest/expertise in ACP/GOC participated in an invitational forum to share current projects/initiatives and best practices, and via a facilitated discussion with the support of Strive Health, identified current challenges/opportunities for a provincial approach to ACP/GOC.
Bridging the Gaps: A Collaborative Approach to Diabetes in Atlantic Canada: 50 diverse stakeholders demonstrated their engagement, passion and willingness for enhanced collaboration in order to optimize the care and management of persons with diabetes across Atlantic Canada. Strive Health facilitated the meeting and supported development of the summary report.